You are not alone- I would be honoured to walk with you on your journey.
I am aware of the fear and hesitation that can come with seeking help. I am here to meet you with warmth and compassion.
Fluent in English and Spanish, I offer a safe space for you to explore and express these feelings in a way that feels mots comfortable to you.
Sometimes difficult paths lead to beautiful destinations.
Online Therapy Benefits:
Greater anonymity (no waiting room!)
More time flexibility
No geographical limits
You choose a space that feels most comfortable to you
Individual Sessions:
Sessions last 50 minutes.
Currently are being offered solely over video and phone.
Insurance companies may cover services
Fee: $160 CAD (HST included)
Practice Hours:
Mondays and Tuesdays
10: 30 am to 5: 00 pmWednesdays
8:00 am to 4:00 pmThursdays and Fridays
8:00 am to 2:00 pm